Episode 37 How to do PR for Your Business? | The Ultimate Guide to DIY PR for Entrepreneurs

Episode Summary: 

Are you ready to take your business to new heights of exposure and credibility? You're in luck!

We're joined by the PR savant Lauren Cobello in this episode of Business Briefs, where she shares unfiltered insight on how to do PR for your business. Starting from the prerequisites of DIY PR to working with a PR agency, this episode has it all AND MORE! 

Let's get you featured!

Main Takeaways

  • The primary difference between PR and Marketing is that PR is earned whereas Marketing is paid for.

  • Marketing is guaranteed, but PR is not.

  • PR is highly regarded because it indicates that people are paying attention to your story without being paid to do so.

  • Examples of Various Earned Media PR Opportunities:

    1. Local TV Station

    2. Help a Reporter Out

    3. #JournalRequests on Twitter

    4. Ask event organizers for media lists & schedule meetings.

      Before you seek PR activity for your business, ensure that your business has the following things:

      1. Website

      2. Social Media Presence

      3. Email Funnel to Capture Leads

      4. At least 1000 Email Subscribers

    How to Get Started With Your Own PR:

  1. Build a solid brand.

  2. Have realistic expectations.

  3. Research how to pitch properly.

  4. Strategically plan your PR pitches.

    What Comprises of a Solid PR Pitch:

    1. Using relevant statistics.

    2. Highlight how it would benefit their audience.

    3. Understand the interests of the person you’re pitching to.

  • While paid media isn’t an essential part of your PR strategy, if you still want to get some paid featured, they should account for no more than 10% of your total PR efforts.

Resources Mentioned:

  1. Pitching Powerhouse by Jen Berson

Connect with Lauren Cobello:

Connect with GBP Law:

Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tWmuKyPlJgc


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