Episode 34 Empowering Yourself for Success in Business
Our guest today spent years disrupting the health industry so that you wouldn’t have to struggle with body image issues the way she did.
Episode Introduction:
Dee Gautham is the founder of The Boss Body Method of coaching to help women get into their best shape ever, not just physically but mentally as well. In today’s episode, she shares her views on body image issues as well as how she’s working towards making sustainable changes to one’s health instead of following random diets here and there.
Episode Summary:
From struggling with body image issues to disrupting the health industry with her signature Boss Body Method, Dee Gautham is truly an inspiration for every woman who is looking to make healthy changes to her body. No crash diets, no hours sweating off on the treadmill, and definitely not copying an influencer’s diet chart - she believes in making sustainable changes specific to your body type so that you don’t end up relapsing every time you lose a few inches.
Main Takeaways:
When you’re working on improving your physical health, it is equally important to work on the underlying psychological body image issues so that you’re truly becoming healthy in all aspects.
In order to work on your body image issues, you need to start by acknowledging them and educating yourself about what it is that’s affecting you.
Learn to value yourself outside of your materialistic traits such as physical appearance, money, educational institute, etc.
Sometimes you need to let go of the control over certain aspects of your life.
It is crucial for you to feel connected with your body in order to actively heal it inside out.
Restricting your children from eating certain types of food is only going to make them want to consume more of it. Instead, focus on maintaining a balanced diet.
When you’re choosing a name for your product, make sure it represents the vision and mission of your business.
Everyone has the potential to scale, you just need the vision, desire, and guidance to do so.
Dee’s top tips to hire an employee:
Make a list of the qualities you’re looking for and then rate each candidate on a scale of 1-5 with respect to them possessing those qualities to help you better sort out the ideal employee.
If you’re looking for someone to join your internet-based business, also consider their social media presence.
Consider their technical skills, cultural fit, and values too.
Fun Facts About Dee Gautham:
Dee’s favorite self-help book is Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole.
Her favorite business tools are Instagram, TikTok, and Canva..
Resources Mentioned:
Jody Spencer Meditation: https://jodyspencer.com/
Abraham Hicks Affirmations: https://www.abraham-hicks.com/
Find Dee Gautham:
Website: https://bossbodyrevolution.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dee_gautham/
TBBR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebossbodyrevolution/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deegautham/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dikshagautham
Connect With Girija:
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