Episode 13 Embracing Your Authentic Self as an Influencer
Emily Bastedo walks us through her love of all things fashion, her body positivity, and her journey is becoming a plus-size fashion influencer. She shares fun incidents from her life, some scary threats she got online, her top advice for budding influencers, and her behind-the-scenes struggles with our listeners.
Episode 12 Organic Growth and Understanding Your Worth
In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by Lani Jackson. She’s an entrepreneur who wears several hats. She’s on the Law Chat mic today to share with us what her journey of being a successful blogger and mompreneur looks like and every single hardship she’s faced along the way.
Episode 11 Positioning Yourself as an Industry Leader
In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by the founder of the one-stop-shop for bloggers. She has built her entire business around creating a go-to resource for all your blogging needs.
Episode 10- Creating a Simple, Intentional, Free Life with Miranda Anderson
Imagine not going shopping -- sounds simple, right? Now imagine not shopping for anything for a whole year. Our guest today did it and she’s here to share her experience.
Episode 9 - Cultivating Your Network to Grow Your Business
In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a true business coach, with years of business experience under her belt, she now helps women go from corporate to self-employed in 90 days with her coaching program.
Episode 8 - Turning Challenges into Sweet Opportunities
In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a holistic wellness practitioner turned into a phenomenal pastry chef. Sukaina Rajani shares her journey with us, the hardships she faced in life, what led her to become a pastry chef and how she managed the drastic pivot.
Episode 7 - Building a Story Brand and Voice for Your Business
In today’s Law Chat, we have a recovering perfectionist with us. She started her business on her own terms because she knew that she was meant for the entrepreneur life. She ditched the big corporate giants and paved her path to support small businesses with her skills.
Episode 6 - Living a Professional Life with Passion
From being passionate about computer science to helping developing countries’ medical care systems around the world, our guest today is here to share her tipping point.
Episode 5 - Community Over Competition--How Natalie Franke Rose Above and Raised Her Community With Her.
In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by someone who truly believes in and is pretty much one of the founding members of the essence of “Community Over Competition”. Natalie Franke, founder of the Rising Tide society comes on the law chat mic today to share what inspired her to build a community that’s all about lifting each other up.
Episode 4 - How to Design a Lifestyle You Love in the Business You Run
In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a true business coach, with years of business experience under her belt, she now helps women go from corporate to self-employed in 90 days with her coaching program.
Episode 3 - How Hustle, Happenstance, and Heritage Can Influence Your Entrepreneurial Journey
Have you ever been so unconfident about your cooking skills that you decided to apply for Masterchef? Our guest today certainly has. In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a desi entrepreneur, Hetal Vasavada who prides herself based on her curation of the unique Indian-American food palette.
Episode 2 - Running Multiple Multi-Figure Businesses
Have you ever thought about pivoting into a field that you have no first-hand experience with? Have you ever dreamed of owning multiple businesses and crushing it like a boss? Oh ya...have you ever broken into a client's house? Join Kat Schmoyer with us on Law Chat With Girija and find out how she did all of the above.
Episode 1 - Welcome to Law Chat
Welcome to Law Chat with Girija! We are so thrilled to take you on this amazing journey with us where we talk to entrepreneurs in different stages of their business, learn from their mistakes, celebrate their wins and make their pivotal movement our lessons.