Episode 80 Journey of Establishing Your Brand as a Creative Business Owner & Being Visible to Your Audience
Ready to establish your brand as a creative business owner? Tune in to find out how!
Episode Introduction:
In today’s episode of Law Chat with Girija, our guest Allie Siarto shares her experience of becoming a professional photographer and the “opportunities” she turned down to give herself the freedom to choose her lifestyle over money. She also talks about establishing your brand as a creative business owner.
Episode Summary:
Allie Siarto walks us through her journey of creating a brand that stands out. She talks about the processes that make her an industry expert, the tools she leverages, how her business has evolved over the years and how creative business owners can make a name for themselves and be visible even in a saturated industry.
Main Takeaways:
Being financially secure gives you the freedom to choose lifestyle over money.
Do not rely on social media solely to market your business.
Pinterest is a wonderful platform to leverage as a creative business owner.
Tips for a successful brand photoshoot:
Establish your brand colors.
Find your brand archetype.
Decide your props, location, makeup, and outfits based on your color scheme.
It’s very important to set expectations through your client contracts.
Fun Facts About Allie Siarto:
One of her favorite shows is Ted Lasso on Apple TV.
Resources from Allie Siarto:
Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence by Brad Barrett, Chris Mamula, and Jonathan Mendonsa.
Stories That Stick by Kindra Hall.
Find your Brand Archetype.
Find Allie Siarto:
Website: http://alliesiarto.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alliesiarto/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alliesiartophotography
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/alliesiarto/_created/
Podcast: https://photofieldnotes.com/
Get the visual experience, watch the videocast for the episode here: https://youtu.be/ahT1ItiMinM
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