Episode 81 Journey of Overcoming Burnout & Following Your Gut to Take an Untraditional Approach to PR


Our guest today went from sleeping on the floor at a shared apartment to becoming a leading PR expert. Tune in to find out more!

Episode Introduction: 

In today’s episode of Law Chat with Girija, we’re joined by a guest who quit the glamor of working with Hollywood celebrities to prioritize her mental health and we learn about her story of building her own successful business in an untraditional manner with a lifestyle that works for her.

Episode Summary: 

Melinda Jackson walks us through her journey of moving to LA and being scammed by her “roommate” to juggling three unpaid internships along with part-time jobs to then working for Hollywood PR Campaigns and finally moving back home to pursue her own business. She talks about the lessons she learned along the journey, things she wishes she did differently, how PR works, as well as some amazing DIY PR tips for all small business owners out there.

Main Takeaways:

  • When it comes down to choosing an internship, choose relevant experience for your next level over money.

  • If you don’t prioritize your mental well-being, every other aspect of your life tends to tumble down because of it.

  • There’s a difference between climbing up the ladder and sacrificing yourself for your job. 

  • Don’t say yes to potential clients due to scarcity mindset. Working with quality clients can be monumental to a business’ success.

  • Word of mouth is the most efficient marketing strategy because it’s rooted in a place of trust.

  • Tips to incorporate PR into your business as a beginner:

  1. Reach out to your local newspaper and introduce yourself.

  2. Don’t be afraid to dive into your personal story - it helps the audience connect better.

  3. Reach out to the local lifestyle channels and radio stations to talk about your business.

  4. Reach out to local bloggers/ influencers who post about small businesses or entrepreneurs to see if you can cross-promote.

  • Different types of PR campaigns call for different types of PR efforts.

  • Essentials of a PR Pitch:

  1. Ensure that the person you are pitching to understands you when, what, where, why, and who.

  2. Include relevant links. Try to avoid attachments as they can get caught by the spam filter.

  3. Wait for about 2-3 days before you follow up.

Fun Facts About Melinda Jackson:

Resources from Melinda Jackson: 

Find Melinda Jackson:

Website: https://www.melindajacksonpr.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melindajacksonpr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelindaJacksonPR/

Get the visual experience, watch the videocast for the episode here: https://youtu.be/lJE-hYpA1Ew

Get the visual experience, watch the videocast for the episode here: https://youtu.be/ahT1ItiMinM

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Episode 82 Journey of Creating Goodwill & Positioning Yourself as an Industry Leader


Episode 80 Journey of Establishing Your Brand as a Creative Business Owner & Being Visible to Your Audience